Extra Care for Seniors - Navigating This Sensitive Time

Are you in that tough spot where you feel it might be time to organize some live-in care for your senior loved one? Foothills Home Services offers private home care in Alberta for seniors, servicing small towns in southern Alberta and home care services in Calgary including palliative care in Calgary and the surrounding area. At Foothills Home Services our trained, qualified, and dedicated caregivers offer seniors the gift of love and we vow to enable your senior loved ones to maintain their independence for as long as possible.

Let us guide you through some of the concerns to look out for, and ways to approach that tough conversation about extra care.

Subtle Signs Your Senior Loved One Needs Additional Care

 As we age many things start to become more difficult or our interest in certain tasks may decrease, however it is important to keep an eye on our seniors and make sure that there are no consistencies that contribute to lack of self-care.


  • Not eating properly - leads to reduced nutrient intake increasing the risk of weight loss and nutritional deficiencies.

  • Home unkempt - an unkempt home can carry bacteria or parasites that may lead to human illnesses. An unclean bathroom can harbour many different kinds of bacteria including e.coli and staphylococcus, which cause stomach upsets and sickness.

  • Repeating things a lot - repetition such as paying the same bill over and over can be signs of early dementia or alzheimers 

  • Mood changes - mood swings can be a sign of depression, anxiety, or another mental health concern.


If you recognize these signs in your senior loved one, it may very well be time to have that sensitive conversation surrounding in-home care. For over 2 decades Foothills Home Services founder, Sylvia McKinlay, has helped hundreds of seniors and their families navigate through these trying times by providing high-quality advice, recommendations and affordable home care for seniors within the Foothills and south Calgary communities. 

It's Never Too Early To Build a Long-Term Care Plan

When considering our senior loved one’s future it is never too early to start planning. The best way to approach the subject is to have an open conversation whilst they are alert and have the ability to make sound decisions for themselves.

Listed are some questions to ask and things you need to plan in order to best build a sound long-term care plan that everyone will be comfortable with. 

  • What are their funeral/end-of-life preferences?

  • Have they prepared a Will?

  • When it comes to house cleaning and home maintenance - what options are you comfortable with for help?

  • If it becomes necessary would you like in-home care? Or would you prefer to go to a senior care facility? 

  • If in-home care is your choice, what would you like for your meal preparation? Would you prefer to have a care worker prepare and cook for you? Or would you prefer a service like Meals on Wheels?

  • What is your budget for your long-term care plan? 

  • How do you want your finances handled if you become unable to manage them?  


When is it a good idea for Homecare, and when is it time for a Senior Care Facility? 

At Foothills Home Services we genuinely care about your senior loved ones and will always recommend placing a senior in a nursing home if our services are simply not enough. If any of these occurrences happen we would propose 24-hour care - or we would recommend placing your loved one in a care facility where more extensive care plans are available and your loved one will be safe.

When home care is the answer Foothills Home Services offers several homecare options and we provide care for much more than our clients’ physical demands. Our reliable staff covers a range of senior care services and solutions including - 

  • Help with bathing, grooming and getting dressed

  • Grocery shopping and cooking meals

  • Appointments and running errands

  • Housekeeping

  • Medication administration and monitoring

  • 24-hour in-home care

  • Palliative Care 


Are you starting to notice your senior loved one needing some extra help with any of the listed above? We are here! Providing private home care in the Foothills for 2 decades, Foothills Home Services founder, Sylvia McKinlay has built a strong foundation for the best in-home care for seniors. Are you interested in learning more about what Foothills Home Services can achieve for the senior companion in your life? Reach out and start the conversation today!

Amanda Nelson

Amanda is passionate about growth, big-picture ideas, and putting together strategic marketing plans for businesses that want to scale.

Amanda’s philosophy is to love what you do, to never say no to new opportunities without hearing them first, and to treat others as she would like to be treated.

She is forward-thinking and intuitive when it comes to what a business needs to level up its marketing game. Amanda is a single mother to a spunky boy, she is obsessed with plants (210+ houseplants), and loves relaxing at home after a fulfilling day of work.


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