How Does Homecare Affect Seniors and Their Caregivers? 

FHS Blog Cover Sept.jpeg

You and your loved ones will feel a roller coaster of emotions!


When it becomes apparent that members of your family require extra help and care, both caregiver and your senior may feel a volley of emotions: denial, anger, resentment, sadness, guilt...the list goes on. The greatest hurdle you will face as a caregiver is managing those emotions both for yourself and your senior. Similar to the playground rules we followed as children, it’s important we combat the negative feelings with some positive ones. 

When your senior resists change, they are really trying to maintain control of their life and the fight is on! Put yourself in their shoes. Breath deep and communicate with KINDNESS and compassion - this is not an easy time in either of your lives.

If you are reminding yourself to be PATIENT with your senior then you are likely feeling some frustration, and possibly even a little bit of anger. Now, the question I ask you is - how are YOU going to cope? We want our seniors to understand we want the best for them, and we want to meet all their needs, but we FEAR that we can’t or we literally can’t meet all of the needs! We need to be patient with OURSELVES too. As caregivers and offspring, making sure your senior loved one is cared for can feel like a lot of pressure. Remember to be honest with yourself when YOU need help before anger gets the best of you (or your senior). 

You will need to ask for help, and that’s OK!

Asking is hard! 

Asking for help is hard. Not just for seniors, but for caregivers too. It is important to remember that asking for help is not a sign of weakness! Asking for help means less stress for you and your senior, safety at home for your senior, and a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle for your senior. 

When you ask for help, keep Foothills Home Services in mind. We have a wide variety of services to meet all kinds of caregiving scenarios. We can do everything from taking our seniors shopping and out for lunch to cleaning the house and washing clothes. We even offer 24/7 and palliative care. 

Finding a suitable senior care option—

One size does NOT fit all.

Determining your senior’s needs can be difficult. Seniors aren’t always forthcoming (They hate to complain and don’t want to be a bother), and we might not know what the deficits are. So with that in mind, Foothills Home Services establishes all of our senior’s needs by doing an assessment. We are then able to find the BEST person to meet those needs. It could be that your senior needs monthly or bi-weekly cleaning, help with outings or appointments, no matter the need - Foothills Home Services is equipped to help, right up to the 24-7 end-of-life needs. Every senior is interviewed with their family so we can set up an individualized care plan. 

Another way to help your senior is to incorporate technology. You might be familiar with the old-fashioned wearable devices like LifeAlert, but times, they are a-changin! Check out this article on technology and seniors! 

Tech-toilets, tech-stoves, tech-jewelry and so many other gadgets that can help your senior remain independent and you STRESS-FREE!

Speaking of tech...

Several types of services and technology are available to help care for seniors.

Managing tech can be very overwhelming for seniors. Trying to teach them how to use new tech can be frustrating! So, along with traditional types of homecare, our staff can help your senior with their internet and tech needs: emails to family, face time and even zoom visits with the family. We can even set up programs on iPads and tablets to be viewed when we aren’t there. 

Even though technology can provide great advantages for seniors, there still can be risks! About 3 million seniors are targeted and succumb to scammers each year. It is so important that seniors (Not unlike teens!)  are educated to protect themselves when using the internet, never mind cell phones and, well, even the good old-fashioned landlines. 

You can find local classes that cater specifically to teaching seniors about technology, but it is also important to be involved and be vigilant. 

Your mental and physical health will need attention, too!

We understand the stress that this stage of life brings to many caregivers. It is important that you look after YOU too! There are lots of resources for caregivers! 

Books, videos, counsellors, and support groups are all great ways to find some guidance. 

Here are some of our favourites:

No matter what care plan you and your senior choose, it will be a relief for everyone involved. Please call us when you want to have a conversation about your senior’s needs, even if you are not ready for a company to come in and help out just yet - we are always here and happy to help you navigate through this time in life. 

And please take care of yourself also.

"Our Family used FHS for support during the illnesses of both my father and mother. FHS demonstrated an understanding of the complex needs of the ill and ageing; a willingness to advocate for their client with health officials; flexibility to provide extra care of different types of care; and a respectful attitude towards their client - always.”

— Karen P


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